
Celebrities You Compare Your Selfie To vs Reality!

When Cassandra was growing up, she would find photos of celebrities that seemed “beautiful” with “perfect skin.” She would look at her reflection and wonder why she couldn’t have that skin. But, as Cassandra got older and started working in social media, she started to realize how much of the media she consumed was a lie. ‘

How many filters, blurring effects, and how much Photoshop are in the mainstream media we see? But, even when Cassandra discovered this, it didn’t truly make her feel better. Cassandra can remember watching Katy Perry videos, and she would compare herself. However, she thought those filters were their real skin. But even now with the knowledge Cassandra has about filtered skin, it still doesn’t stop Cassandra from comparing herself. For example, Cassandra was in a picture where a filter was used, and after looking at it, she kind of felt bad about herself. “Why couldn’t I just naturally look like that?” She thought to herself. 

Although this seems like an illogical suggestion, these surreal images do distort perception. And whether it’s Photoshop, filters, AI, plastic surgery, or makeup, we’re confronted with images every day that challenge our sense of reality. Plus, different camera lenses can also make you look thinner or thicker. Lighting can blur or even out the skin, and filters can even be applied over makeup, making pores seem invisible on celebrities and influencers!

But. celebrities and influencers are humans, and all humans have skin with pores. Pores are what allow our skin to function. So, when you see photos of celebs, you have to remind yourself that there may be some changes because naturally, the skin has pores and curvatures.

There’s a saying in plastic surgery and dermatology that there are no straight lines in nature. So, when someone has a wound, you actually don’t want to do stitches in a straight line, you’ll want to stitch it with a jagged line so there isn’t a stark contrast to the face. 

But, when you look at pictures that have been filtered, you see contoured and linear images stamped on faces. So, it’s not possible to naturally look like a filter or a selfie. However, some products and procedures can help you even out discoloration or acne scars. If you want more plastic skin in real life, Cassandra’s top recommendation is microdermabrasion, radiofrequency, and a little bit of PRP, and you can also use super hydrating products. There is a way to get treatments like Botox and fillers to emulate what we see on screens or in magazines, but it’s very difficult and taxing to emulate this. 

Yes, it’s possible to have small pores, but that’s determined by genetics. You can also smooth them over with primers or sunscreen, but it’s important to know that these things don’t set the standard for what our faces should look like. There’s nothing wrong with pores or fine lines though. Also, there’s no harm in wanting treatments, but it’s important to remember that it’s natural to have pores and texture. You don’t have to feel bad about normal skin. 

One way to insert more skin positivity into your life is to exposing yourself to it more. That’s one of the best ways to feel better about it. For example, Cassandra has been posting unfiltered photos online for about two or three years, and on Instagram, she doesn’t post filtered photos unless she discloses it. Another thing that helps Cassandra is to look at herself in the mirror and give herself compliments. 

Expose yourself to people and celebrities that don’t use filters. Remind yourself of what real skin is supposed to look like. Make sure your feed is balanced with reality and what bodies look like when they aren’t perfectly posed or photoshopped. Even if you don’t particularly favor the content, it’s still good to see content that embraces what’s human.