
  • 3 min read
With time, I have accepted my acne.
  • 3 min read

Today, I still experience some anxiety, but I am working very hard on getting out of my comfort zone, and I hope that sharing my experience online like this is a step in the right direction.

  • 5 min read

I thought covering myself with loads of makeup would cover everything up, but you could still see all of the texture, and eventually, it didn’t seem worth it.

  • 5 min read
I didn’t know what to do. I just started going to church because that’s what I had been taught. That’s what my loved ones were telling me to do. But one day, I inevitably had to realize - “this is who I am,” and eventually, I even learned to accept that.
  • 3 min read
Soumi is a community member and a female leader in STEM who lives in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • 4 min read
‘I was forced to meet myself. I was living in my body, but this breakdown led me to getting to know myself for the first time. I just wanted to find a way to express and confront limiting thoughts.”
  • 3 min read
Is it me? Am I being overdramatic? Am I not doing enough?
  • 3 min read
Karishma Leckraz is an easy-going and genial 27-year-old makeup artist from Kent County, U.K. She has had eczema since she was two and describes how she grew up battling the beauty expectations of two worlds.
  • 3 min read
Joy Blenman is a self-care and beauty content creator with alopecia universalis. She describes how the condition has evolved her into the resilient woman that she is today.